I am super passionate about empowering women to HAVE IT ALL in life, to lead themselves first, to self nourish, and to fall madly in love with WHO THEY ARE.
I stand for humanity, truth, love, connection, health & abundance. I believe in women having it all, in our family life, business, health, wealth & our relationship with ourself.
Because… it’s all POSSIBLE.
Drawn like a moth to a flame my yoga studio became my peaceful place away from the daily chaos of family life and my spiritual journey really began.
As we moved around the world yoga and meditation became my way of restoring some connection back to the feeling of home that I felt was missing. Wanting to deepen my own practice and share my own experiences I studied and qualified as a yoga and meditation teacher while living in Asia.
Living in Australia a series of serendipities led me to meeting Tyler Tolman a well known health guru, detoxification and fasting expert who had an extensive history of helping people to reverse and prevent serious disease. Meeting him allowed me to blend all the wisdom of my own healing journey as well as allowing me to study ancient healing principles and becoming a certified Advanced Physical Iridologist this year.
What followed naturally was the knowing I needed to write my story and share the message that I know I am here to do . That food is thy medicine and that we all have the power within to prevent disease and to be our own physicians needs to be shared with the world.
I am passionate to empower women and men through writing to release the emotional baggage that causes disease and recognise that sharing their feelings is deeply healing. But also I am dedicating my life to helping others restore their health to an optimal level so that they have full energy and are empowered to take charge of their own health and not rely on putting a band aid on their physical and emotional problems. I believe health is a given gift at birth and knowing how to align with nature and its healing powers is the key to optimum health and longevity.
As an Advanced Physical Iridologist, I strongly believe that seeing the world through a healthy set of eyes is one of nature’s true gifts that we should never take for granted!
Want to work with me, then follow this link.