I struggled with my loss of identity as an expat. It’s a common theme once we become a ‘trailing spouse’ to follow rather than lead.
Yes imagine me hanging onto the wing of an aircraft with a trail of children and suitcases behind me. That was my life!
Yes it was a huge privilege to have so much freedom everywhere I went. I could reinvent myself and pick and choose what I did with my time. I learnt so much valuable life experiences and I wouldn’t change it for the world.
BUT I lost who I was and over time my capacity to earn money. Working wasn’t an option living in a foreign country and with three small children under 2, under 3….and a new life to design. Everywhere I went my family came first and my dreams of a second chance at a career. Every time I trained in something new it wasn’t valid in the next place. But what I did learn along the way was that I wanted to use my own experiences to help change the lives of others. To empower other women like me to believe they could still have it all; that it was never too late.

And this is where my writing has become my tool to inspire others and my health coaching so others may discover their own innate healing abilities. It has also given me a way of working through my own ‘stuff’ in order to help others do the same.
But there was something missing. I was overwhelmed by my lack of ‘tech’ knowledge, frustrated at how far I felt I lagged behind others who had never stepped off the career path. And I was not quite as confident as I wanted to feel in my ability to earn money. Yes I was suffering from some serious limiting beliefs. I knew I needed help to get rid of this baggage that was stopping me fully stepping into my own light and helping more people.
And then an opportunity appeared. A door appeared in what seemed to be a sold wall. A community and platform of high vibe people changing the world and a chance for me to do the same!
I will be sharing more news soon!